Thursday, April 11, 2019

Guidelines about Turkiye Burslari Interview | Interview tips | Important points to ponder

As you all are just to receive the interview calls , it is mandatory to be well prepared about the interview to maximize your chances of winning the scholarship and be a part of world's best universities.   

Winning the scholarship of TURKIYE BURSLARI is not a piece of cake. Infact , you need to work very hard for that. If you are deserving (which will definitely be cleared from your application and interview ) you'll get scholarship for sure.

Without explaining anything else lets move towards the scholarship interview ! Here I'll share the experience of students who won the scholarships in the past years.

Firstly , it is to be cleared that YTB can not , of-coarse , visit each country for judging the individuals , they can also have Skype interviews for any reason. It is therefore recommendable to get prepared a Skype / Wechat account since there's none the other alternative.   It is also to be noted that the interview date once allotted can never be changed , its really hard to find what genuine reason they counts although it is nearly impossible to change the date , once allotted.

→ Firstly , the fore-most & primitive thing , the most worth-full is to be on time. The more you be on time the more you can relieve and relax to control your nerves and being punctual paves way to your success by providing a positive picture of your personality.

→ Second is the game of your confidence. The more confident you are , the more likely to get the scholarship.  They'll ask you to introduce yourself. While answering the question you need to put a smile on your face to bring them in your confidence or vice versa. This would multiply your chances of selection but make sure not to laugh aggressively.

 → The interviewers would certainly relax you so don't be panic. Moreover , it is advisable , not to take seat without their permission/order. Try to control your nerves if in case you feels that it is leaking . They are very kind to you. You need not much worry about them.

 → Prepare your self-introduction well at home. You may memorize it if you think you'll be unable to pick points at that time since 80% of your interview is judged in first five minutes. Self-introduction means the introduction of your-self and not of your family which may last for at least a minute. Anyways, there's nothing to be worried about at.

 → Dressing is also of much importance in any interview and hence similar is the case here. It is of no doubt , "First impression is the last impression ". Don't be sooted booted. Don't be much formal. Don't use any ordinary thing in your dressing. Avoid skin tight jeans. You may use a well-pressed three-piece but not that we wear on occasions. You might be complimented on your dressing if maintained well.

 →One of the frequently asked question is " Why do you wanted to pursue your degree from Turkey" ? Here comes your interest. This is also one of the most important questions they ask.

 → One more thing , the interviewers are much smart and clever. They'll judge your application from your interview to acknowledge them with the fact whether you yourself filled the form or not. So it is advisable to go through your Application Summary once or twice to get ready for any sort of questions. 

 → They can also ask what if you are rejected from this scholarship? What'll you do then ?

 → They'll ask you for your passport so get it ready as soon as possible if its not yet. Moreover , bring your original documents along with you.

 → They'll ask you the reason for choosing that particular course for your coming years. Support  your answer with logical and healthy reasons especially those mentioned in your letter of intent.

 →At last they'll answer you about if you have made any mistake in your application. If so , correct it at once. Otherwise you yourself will solely be responsible for the outcomes.

That's all for today. I'll try to share more questions but if you wanted me to create a separate blog for the answers to above questions , just put your interest in comment box. I'll try to respond soon.

My Diyanet Foundation Interview | Experience for Turkiye Burslari | Interview tips and tricks

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