Sunday, May 5, 2019

My Diyanet Foundation Interview | Experience for Turkiye Burslari | Interview tips and tricks

My Interview Experience
Name  : Shahzaib Ul Hassan
Country : Pakistan
Hi , How are you after all? Today I am here to share my experience about Interview under Turkiye Diyanet Scholarship program which is in-fact a handsome scholarship program under Turkish government.
Lets begin with without further explanations. My interview was scheduled on 5th May 2019 at 10:30 in Park-Turk Schools in Islamabad territory ( the capital of Pakistan ). I although reached before time which is infact the most important thing a candidate ought to follow. I could therefore relax and felt a little nervous since it was the first interview of my life , but , literally I enjoyed a lot in the interview room.
Unfortunately, the Diyanet Interview team , with some miss-understanding reached the other campus of the same school which was infact the best school all around the country. We were soon informed about the changing venue and we were shifted at the new location with great comfortably.
Then we were called with an initial attendance to make sure about our presence. We were a total of 15 candidates a maximum but the most astonishing thing was when I came to know that only two candidates were there for bachelors degree and all the rest were for High School , I got a shock first but then I was relaxed since my chances of being selected multiplied (obviously they need students for university as well ). Another astonishing thing was the other candidate who applied for Bachelors degree left without appearing in interview. The reason I’ll share later.
Anyways they first moved us to the interview room. There were about 4 to 5 turk members in the interview room and they welcome us politely. I loved their kindness. Then  they brief us about the scholarship i.e. Diyanat Scholarship which was infact the most handsome scholarship under the Turkish government. I suggest to the new members , to must apply for this scholarship and don’t let this opportunity be wasted at any cost.
We were then given a pamphlet sort of page on which IQ questions were printed. We were first suppose to solve them. They were just easy questions and I may say very easy indeed! There were 20 questions and 25 minutes to go with it. Before this we were given a pen from Diyanet foundation and a sweet also !
After this we went out of interview room where our test was held. They started calling the students one by one and depending upon the education level they were asked general questions like
1)    First introduce yourself.
2)    Why do uh wanted to study in turkey?
3)    Have uh read any book , visited any museum , or known with any personality in turkey?
4)    Do uh have a friend in turkey?
5)    What are your future plans?
6)    General questions about your country.
These were the questions asked from the candidate including those who applied for high school in turkey. The questions which they asked from me , except the above questions are as follows:
1)    What do uh know about the muslims being tortured in Palestine.
2)    What is the difference between the Muslims in Palestine and Turkey.
3)    What do uh know about daaish?
4)    What is your major? (really important question for judgment)
5)    Why are uh having beard on your face?
6)    How many children do you have?
7)    Why are you delaying much to marry?
8)    Then they asked me about my father and their status.
9)    I was inquired about my future goals.
10)                      Then we were asked to read the Holy Quran and each candidate read few ayas of Holy Quran. They also asked me few questions about holy quran and Islam.
The other boy who left felt lack in interest in Islamic studies as he thought he was called for an interview from Turkiye Burslari in medical field.
Anyways , I enjoyed a lot. The people were very kind and you people will enjoy a lot being there in the interview room.
I wish you very best of luck and success in your interview. I hope you enjoyed. Do notify me in case you are having any question or you may contact me directly in my gmail account.
Gmail #
Keep praying for my success in the interview and especially in Turkiye Burslari.


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  2. Unfortunately, the diyanet interview team , with some leave out-knowledge reached the alternative campus of the equal faculty which turned into infact the fine faculty everywhere in the u . S . A .. We were quickly informed about the changing venue and we had been shifted at the new place with super comfortably.
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My Diyanet Foundation Interview | Experience for Turkiye Burslari | Interview tips and tricks

My Interview Experience Name   : Shahzaib Ul Hassan Country : Pakistan Hi , How are you after all? Today I am here to share my exper...